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270 Million Years Ago

It is around this time that there is a major shift in vegetation and tectonic assembly. The supercontinent Pangaea is formed, and cone-type trees, bushes and spore-like ferns form. These replace the carboniferous forests that predate them, as the climate changes.

Pangaea with today's political map.
Up Arrow IconPangaea with today's political map.

Everything reduces in size a little by this point, and the first marine reptiles appear. There has now been egg formation in reptiles for over 100 million years, which created a new line in species.

Cycads grow in this period of nitrogen-rich air, which cyanobacteria living in the soil help enrich it and convert the nitrogen from the air for them to use.

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Page 1: History Timeline of Earth

Page 2: 4,600 Million Years Ago

Page 3: 3,500 Million Years Ago

Page 4: 2,000 Million Years Ago

Page 5: 600 Million Years Ago

Page 6: 560 Million Years Ago

Page 7: 270 Million Years Ago

Page 8: 245 Million Years Ago

Page 9: 230 Million Years Ago

Page 10: 54 Million Years Ago

Page 11: 130 Thousand Years Ago

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