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130 Thousand Years Ago

Here we are. This is how long humans have been on Earth. A significantly small amount of time, considering how far we've come down the timeline.

Humans as we are now were not here though. Predecessors (Homo erectus, Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis) lived here, and they lived by the sea, fishing and using the resources available to them.

The evolution of humans, from apes to our current stage.
Up Arrow IconThe evolution of humans, from apes to our current stage.

We would eventually come along as Homo sapiens some hundred thousand years ago.

What About Now?

Currently, we have climate change and a severe need to slow up human progress, as we are suffocating the Earth with carbon dioxide pollution, over-fishing and over-working the land and animals that live on it. There is a point in the near future where we will be too heavy for the planet (there are currently over 7.6 billion people living on Earth). Plans are to look for other planets, but that could be thousands of years away, both in terms of how far away a new planet could be, or how long it could take us to get to that point.

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Where You Are

Page 1: History Timeline of Earth

Page 2: 4,600 Million Years Ago

Page 3: 3,500 Million Years Ago

Page 4: 2,000 Million Years Ago

Page 5: 600 Million Years Ago

Page 6: 560 Million Years Ago

Page 7: 270 Million Years Ago

Page 8: 245 Million Years Ago

Page 9: 230 Million Years Ago

Page 10: 54 Million Years Ago

Page 11: 130 Thousand Years Ago

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