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Elements & the Periodic Table

Image of the Periodic Table.


Science has come so far, that we know that we are all made up of atoms. If you've read my biology pages that say you're a Eukaryote, which is true, I'm going to go one further and say that you are a load of atoms. Elements are materials on the planet (and in space) that we can use for various functions - the computer I use to make these pages are a form of metals, non-metals and more. And compounds are a mixture of elements.

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Properties of Metals

Gallium, the only metal that will melt in your hand
Gallium, the only metal that will physically melt in your hand.

The majority of elements in the periodic table have similar properties to one another, but there are a few exceptions to the rule. Metals have different melting and boiling points, depending on their atomic structure.

You can find out more, by clicking on the Properties of Metal page on the left.