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The Universe

Saturn starts a new spoke season.

Saturn at the start of a new spoke season Image courtesy External Link ionNASA.


The universe as we know it currently is massive. There are distant stars, planets, satellites, black holes, and much more beyond what we know. There are many subjects to choose from in this section, which is filled with information and resources to learn from.

PLEASE NOTE: this section has now been archived and will not be updated further.

Below is a list of sections that you can view information on in this section.

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The Solar System

Helical model of the Solar System
Helical model of the Solar System.

The Solar System is a vast amount of space that is considered to be the main part where planets and celestial bodies rotate, or orbit, around the star we call the Sun. It includes the eight planets, with dwarf planets including Pluto and Ceres.

Although we are used to seeing the planets working on a heliocentric model (being flat, with the Sun in the middle), the above representation shows the newer model of the Sun moving through space with the planets moving around them.