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The Bones in our Body

The skeleton, just a bunch of bones, right? Well, yes, but they help us do a multitude of different actions - stand, walk, run, pick items up, and more. They also produce red blood cells, as they create stem cells that have no function, within the bone marrow situated within them. It is good to keep it healthy, as it will help us later in life to be more mobile, and there are many things we can eat or do to keep and maintain a healthy skeleton.

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Bones in our Body

A look at our skeleton, which is an endoskeleton (because it's inside your body), and the bones that make us stand up.

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The Skull

The skull is made up of more than one bone, and there is only one bone that moves; the mandible.

Ribs icon

The Ribcage

What the ribcage is and what it does.

Arms icon

Arms and Legs

What arms and legs are and what they do.

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Bone Marrow

What bone marrow is, how we need to look after it and what is creates.

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The Spine

Explanation of what the spine is what it's functions are.

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Foods to Help the Skeleton

What foods we can eat that will help build strength in our bones.

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Tendons, Ligaments and Cartilage

How different muscles connect to bone or other muscles.

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Muscles introduction

An introduction to what muscles are and how they work in our body.


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