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An Introduction to Muscles

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Muscles, skeleton, connective tissue, tendons, overstretching, structure, movement.


While this section has been about the skeleton and the bones that are within it, we need to take a quick look at the muscles that connect to them.

You can read more on the muscular system by clicking the link you've just read.

How do Muscles Connect to Bone?

So, muscles connect to bone, but how? Simple, they connect using tendons. These tendons attach at one end of the muscle, and then to the corresponding bone. If we look at the Achilles tendon, it connects to the calf muscle at the bottom, and then to the heel bone at the back of the foot.

YouTube Video

The following still is from a video on muscles, with the following details:

Please click on the image to view the video.

Watch this video from NATC on YouTube

This is OK, but sometimes they get overstretched, and so remedial therapy can be useful to tackle the problem. Of course, before you go and do anything that is this type of action, please seek medical attention first. They will be best equipped to direct you in the right way.

Interesting Facts logo

Without muscles, we wouldn't be able to stand up, or lift anything. They help our bones with structure, but also with movement.



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