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Last updated: 27th April 2023

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Foods that Help our Skeleton


Vitamin D, Calcium, Vitamin K, foods, minerals, skeleton.


To help maintain our skeleton, we need to eat the right foods. Although this can be supplemented by a vitamin and mineral supplement you can buy in your local supermarket, you can do so much better just by eating healthy foods that contain these instead. This also helps with our health and well-being, as eating the right foods can make you happy, as well as maintain a balanced diet.

What Vitamins and Minerals do I need?

Vitamin D: as much as you can get this during the summer when the sun is out a lot and while you lay there getting your best sun tan, what do you do in the winter, when the sun is only up for what seems like 45 minutes a day? All will be revealed in a minute.

Calcium: in order for your bones to be super strong, you will need to consume a lot of calcium per day. The average adult will need to ingest 700mg (miligrams) of it per day. There are plenty of foods you can eat or drink that will supply you with this.

Interesting fact: you need vitamin D to help process calcium, which is not created in your body. Without one, the other will not be able to be absorbed.

Here is a YouTube video from Whats Up Dude:

What Foods can I eat then to do this?

For Vitamin D: as per the NHS website, we would all benefit from taking a vitamin D supplement daily. Although this can benefit you, there are other solutions. Most fish (Swordfish, Haddock, Cod, Herring, Mackerel, Tuna, and more) are rich in this vitamin. Other foods such as these can also help:

  • Meat (Beef liver, pork chops, chicken breasts)
  • Dairy (milk, yoghur, cheddar cheese)
  • Cereals (only ones with wholegrain goodness in them)
  • Other foods include: eggs and white mushrooms

For Calcium: there are a range of foods you can eat to maintain your calcium supply. These include:

  • milk, cheese and other dairy foods
  • green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and okra, but not spinach
  • soya beans
  • tofu
  • plant-based drinks (such as soya drink) with added calcium
  • nuts
  • bread and anything made with fortified flour
  • fish where you eat the bones, such as sardines and pilchards

So, in order to help our skeleton maintain its use, and provide us with all the benefits it gives us, we need to maintain it by eating these foods. They can be added into our main diet, either as a substitute for something else, or as an addition.

Too Long'; Didn't Read

We need to eat the right foods to help maintain our skeleton. A mixture of the right vitamins and minerals helps our bones to be strong. Vitamin D can be attained by sitting in the sun during a nice hot day, but when it's not available, we then eat foods like meat, dairy and cereals to maintain this.

Calcium is also needed for bone strength. We get this mainly from dairy, soya beans, plant-based drinks and bread made with fortified flourThis kind of flour has nutrients added to the flour once it's been milled..


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