The three domains of life. Once, there were two, and now there are three - Bacteria, Eukaryote and the newest one, Archaea. All living organisms are placed into one of the three categories. The oldest is bacteria, which has been around since the dawn of time. The second is Eukaryote, which has been around for about 2 billion years, and the youngest being Archaea, which has been around for longer than discovered, in 1977.
Bacteria are single-celled organisms that have evolved through time to adapt to their environment.
Archaea, while only being discovered fairly recently, are some of the oldest single-celled organisms alive. They often live in extreme environments.
Multi-celled organisms makes up for around half of the known organisms that we have classified today. You are a eukaryote.
There are five kingdoms that every organism is placed into. They include animalia, plantae, fungi, protista and bacteria.
Carl Linnaeus
Carl Linnaeus was a Swedish naturist that decided it was right to name everything. Every living organism found since he created the rules of binomial nomenclature has been named in the same fashion.
Gregor Mendel
Considered the father of genetics, Gregor Mendel created the law of assortment through experiments with peas, noting that there are dominant and recessive genes.
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