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From researching our cells, looking at our DNA, and researching the evolution of animals, scientists from all over the world have discovered and proved theory upon theory on the way the world works, from our own bodies and how the DNA is structured, to modern day scientists proving that there are six kingdoms and three domains.

The Scientists

These scientists are all distinguished for their own reasons.

Ernst Boris Chain

Ernst Boris Chain

Along with Sir Alexander Fleming, Chain helped to develop penicilling in cultures, in order to use penicillin in the wider world of medicine.

Francis Crick

Francis Crick

Francis Crick was one of four scientists that worked on defining and showing us that DNA is formed in a double helix structure. He received the Nobel Prize in 1962.

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Discovering the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin set out during the 1800s on an expedition that when returned fell out of favour with other scientists. However, his theories became the building blocks for classification and binomial nomenclature legend.

Alexander Fleming

Sir Alexander Fleming

Discovering penicillin in , Sir Alexander Fleming was one of the forefathers of antibiotics.

Sir Howard Florey

Sir Howard Florey

Howard Florey was one of several scientists that worked with Sir Alexander Fleming on culturing penicillin for mass use.

Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin was one of the key scientists that discoverd the shape and look of DNA. She used crystallography to determine it's shape. Her pictures taken were used by other scientists who were able to find the true shape of it.

Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner

Considered the forefather of vaccinations, Edward Jenner pioneered the first vaccines for smallpox, realising that cowpox would clear it up after a matter of days, after a series of tests on a young boy.

John Langdon Down

John Langdon Down

His legacy covers several genetic conditions that were documented and then confirmed through discovery of the DNA double helix, including Down's syndrome, which is named after him.

Carl Linnaeus

Carl Linnaeus

Carl Linnaeus was a Swedish naturist that decided it was right to name everything. Every living organism found since he created the rules of binomial nomenclature has been named in the same fashion.

Joseph Lister

Joseph Lister

A British scientist who discovered antiseptics, and also introduced antisepsis, where the areas around the surgery are cleaned before it took place.

Barbara McClintock

Barbara McClintock

Barbara McClintock was a geneticist that discovered that chromosomes can change position to make the next one active or inactive. She is well known for working with maize for her tests and results.

Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel

Considered the father of genetics, Gregor Mendel created the law of assortment through experiments with peas, noting that there are dominant and recessive genes.

Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur

Considered the founder of antiseptics and who formulated a way to remove pathogens and bacteria from food and drink, Louis Pasteur was a chemist during the 1800s.

Alfred Russel Wallace

Alfred Russel Wallace

At around the same time as Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace also visited the Galapagos islands, and created a line that depicted this.

James Watson

James Watson

James Watson was one of four scientists that worked on defining and showing us that DNA is formed in a double helix structure. He received the Nobel Prize in 1962.

Carl Woese

Carl Woese

Carl Woese was an American scientist that discovered that bacteria weren't all the same, and that some acted differently, thus creating another domain called Archaea.


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