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Cancer Survivor's Day
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Cancer is a disease that has no known cure currently, and that can mean that there are fatalities to it. But it can also mean that there are survivors as well, through correct treatments and also early diagnosis.

This page celebrates those that have survived various forms of cancer.

What is a Cancer Survivor?

Simply put, it is someone that has a link to cancer. From a diagnosis, to living for the rest of their lives having had it.

You could be someone who has had cancer, and been in remission for any number of years, but you're still a survivor.

If you are currently living with a chronic cancer diagnosis, you are a survivor.

If you've beaten cancer and been given a declaration of being cancer-free, you are a survivor.

Celebrity Cancer Survivors

There are a multitude of people who have survived cancer, some are more famous than others. These are a few celebrities that were diagnosed with cancer, and survived it with the right treatment.

Michael C Hall

Yes, while playing a serial killer as Dexter, Michael C Hall was diagnosed with cancer. He was diagnosed with a form of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. During 2010 while filming Dexter, he was undergoing treatment in the form of chemotherapy. He accepted a Golden Globe award wearing a knitted hap on his bald head. He wore a wig during filming of Dexter, but let the world know in April that he was in remission of cancer.

Victoria Derbyshire

A well-known UK journalist, Victoria Derbyshire was diagnosed with breast cancer, and had treatment by mastectomy to remove the tumours. She was diagnosed during 2015, and later in 2018, she took part, along with 7 other women who had survived breast cancer, in The Real Full Monty: Ladies' Night.

During her treatment, she continued to present her programmes as often as possible. She created many videos showcasing her treatments and progress, which went viral.

Kylie Minogue

Probably one of the most well-known cancer survivors to date, Kylie spent a short period of time in treatment for breast cancer. In 2005, she was in Australia when diagnosed, and had to cancel part of her latest tour at the time. It was of great interest to the media, even so far as their Prime Minister, John Howard, issuing a statement of support for her.

She claims she was wrongly diagnosed of cancer, but spoke highly of the medical professionals that looked after her. She was noted by her publicist in 2006 to have gone into remission, and appeared at several places where children had cancer, and the impact she had on the general public for having cancer was highlighted by an increase in people going to have scans for cancers.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman is a more recent cancer survivor, and it has been well documented about his treatments for skin cancer, particularly on his nose. This was due to having too much sun. He has had several basal-cell carcinomas removed, the latest one being in 2023, where symptoms showed similarities for the same condition. His doctors removed them as a precaution, but it was deemed it was all negative.

As a result, Jackman promotes the need to use high-SPF suncream at all times.


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