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Autism Awareness Day
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Autism, awareness, ADHD, ADD, ODD, Asperger's, spectrum.


April 2nd 2023, is Autism Awareness Day. But what exactly does this mean? And just what is autism itself? Let's find out more.

What is Autism?

You may find that some people act differently. They could be focused on one thing at a time - be it a work issue, or a home issue. Or they could be difficult to communicate with, either through body language or verbally. Sometimes, it could be that someone does not understand how to process feelings or deal with an issue that is presented to them in a short space of time. If there is a sudden change to a routine, that person might findi it difficult to adapt to the day, or to the situation at hand.

All of these things could be the result of a person that has autism. It is a series of genetic conditions that means someone's brain works differently to others. It is genetic, and you are born with it, but it's symptoms may not present themselves until you are older. They can also show when you are young.

Can I Catch Autism?


Sorry to be blunt there, but no. Autism is not a disease or illness. It is therefore not contractable in any way. If you are born with Autism, this means you will be autistic for your whole life. There is no "cure", but there is medication that can be taken to help you if needed.

Studies have shown that boys are more likely to have a diagnosis of autism.

Different Types

There are many different types of Autism.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): affecting the behaviour of someone's concentration, with hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder): another behavioural type of autism, which means the person can be defiant, negative, irritable, and have annoying behaviours towards people with authority, parents, carers and other bodies.

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder): similar to ADHD, ADD is where someone has excessive difficulty with concentration, but without the hyperactivity that ADHD presents.

Asperger's: another type of autism that doesnt come with learning difficulties that the others do. It means they may still have difficulties understanding and processing language, similar to other forms of Autism.

Here is a YouTube video from the National Autistic Society on what Autism is:

You've Come This Far

Well done. You've read this far down the page. That means you've now become aware of a condition that affects people with a neurodiverse image. Now you are aware. The whole point of this page is to make people aware, so well done you.

No, seriously. If you didn't know anything about autism, then this is good. This is only a taste of what it is, what it entails, and the struggles of every day life, whether it be having things in order, knowing right from wrong, or struggling to communicate with others on how they feel, or what they want.

Working in a SEN environment, I, personally, have to help people to find a different route to become accepted into what society thinks is "the norm", which sometimes doesn't always mean everybody fits in. But they should. People with autism are clever, intelligent, able to work and carry out everyday duties, just the same as you or I can. They just might need a little help along the way.


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