Health, well-being, help, activities, socialising, join a club, exercise, physical, mental, social.
If you've come here from my other health and well-being pages, you will know that there are some things we can do to help both our health and our well-being.
Well, let's use a sedimentary lifestyle for an example. This is where you don't go out much, and you live alone and carry on day-to-day without seeing people or speaking to anyone. This can be a lonely attitude. So you could do some of the following:
These are just a few examples, but they will obviously do well to get you moving, or keep your mental health up.
The following still is from a video on smoking and cancer, with the following details:
Please click on the image to view the video.
Maintaining a good health and fitness level is not the only aspect of maintaining your health and well-being. As well, you have to consider your social health, and your personal mental health. These need to be addressed sometimes to keep you healthy and happy.
Well, good for you. No, really, that is a good thing. This means that you are already in the process of maintaining your health and well-being, and that you just need to tweak it if necessary. It could mean having some different kinds of food, or changing your exercise regime. But, well done you for trying new things, and maintaining your health and well-being.
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