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Lifestyle, sedentary, healthy, unhealthy, exercise, alcohol consumption, diet, rest.


A lifestyle is a way of living. It can be a good way of living, or a bad way of living. Either way, we all live out our lives as we want to, and that is all that should matter. Having said that, if you know you need to exercise and you don't, or if you're not meant to eat a certain type of food, and you do, then you're the only one to blame when something big goes wrong.

Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is considered an entire state of physical, mental and social well-being. But what does that actually mean? Let's take a look:

Balanced Diet: this is a must-have if you want to stay within the parameters of a healthy lifestyle, you will need a well balanced diet. This can include moderate amounts of food from each of the sources on the Eatwell Guide.

Regular Exercise: with regular exercise, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. It means that you can go for a run or bicycle ride to increase your heart rate, which also burns calories and keeps your circulatory system healthy.

Avoiding tobacco and alcohol: doing this will definitely keep your body at its optimum health. Having said that, most people will have a little drink or two on the odd occasion, and this is fine. There are government guidelines for details like this.

Rest: we all run mad lives where we are always busy, and doing something. Make sure you rest enough to counter all this work you are doing, so that your brain, and your body can breathe. This usually involes sleep, and it is recommended for an adult to get around 8 hours of sleep. Children should be getting around 10-12 hours of sleep.

YouTube Video

The following still is from a video on lifestyles, with the following details:

Please click on the image to view the video.

Watch this video from Better Health on YouTube

Interesting Facts logo

If you maintain good relationships with people, along with maintaining a healthy food lifestyle, your overall lifestyle of health and well-being will dramatically improve.


Unhealthy Lifestyle

As you can imagine, an unhealthy lifestyle is the opposite of what is listed above:

Notice I placed sedentary at the bottom there. This is a type of lifestyle. Sedentary people are people that sit around all day long, doing very little exercise, eating with an unhealthy appetite, and all of the above list if they choose. They normally do not care much about getting fit and healthy, although sometimes this cannot be helped either. There are instances where people are unable to carry out or maintain a healthy lifestyle for various reasons.



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