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Alcohol & Liver Cirrhosis

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Alcohol, liver, cirrhosis, disease, health, drunkenness, responsive, hangover, bloodstream, balance, coordination.


When you drink alcohol, your body becomes less responsive. This is due to the nature of what alcohol is. It is almost like a poison that when enough is ingested, can have harmful effects on your body.

How Much is too Much?

Well, there is a daily guided allowance for both men and women. This allowance is the same for both, and is set to 14 units per week. This equates to 6 pints of beer. Or 7 glasses of wine. Or 14 shots of spirits. Per week.

If you go out, and you drink more than this, whether by mixing drinks or staying on the same drink, then it can have serious effects on your body.

What Are the Risks?

Well, for start, it can make you feel awful. You'll struggle to get out of bed each day as a result of a hangover. And even when you're up, you'll still feel under the weather.

It can cause immediate effect on your bones and muscles, by inhibiting your balance and coordination. While this may be fun every now and again, continued use of alcohol like this can be detrimental.

It can go into your bloodstream, and this can cause blood poisoning if continual drinking takes place. It can affect the use of your heart, making it beat irregular or stop completely.

It can seriously affect your mental health. This can be a serious issue, as you can become dependent on it, similar to smoking. It can lead to severe depression and anxieties, which in turn can lead to more alcohol consumption.

It will definitely affect the liver, and can cause serious damage to it.

It will even effect your brain by causing memory loss and severe mood swings.

Interesting Facts logo

Drinking alcohol is a pastime that has gone on for centuries, but if it was a new thing that people were doing today, it would be considered a dangerous act and possibly be banned.


What is the Worst Case Scenario?

If you really want to know, then death is the ultimate price to pay for too much alcohol consumption. That's the gravity of this page. If you drink too much, you could end up dying as a result of it.

Liver cirrhosis is a common and also fatal condition that can happen. This is where the alcohol scars the tissue in the liver, and this then stops it from functioning properly.

Liver Cirrhosis, a Closer Look

Cirrhosis of the liver is treatable, and there are symptoms of it before you know you have it. Some common symptoms include:

YouTube Video

The following still is from a video on liver damage, with the following details:

Please click on the image to view the video.

Watch this video from NATC on YouTube

Although there is no cure for cirrhosis, it can be treated, and includes treatment of the conditions that led to the cirrhosis in the first place. This can be diseases such as Hepatitis C, or others that cause it over time. If these are treated, then the cirrhosis should stop getting any worse.

Best Way for Prevention

The best method of preventing any liver damage from alcohol would be to completely stop drinking. If this can't be done, then by reducing the amount of drinking undertaken can help.

If you have excess weight, you can lose it to help prevent further cirrhosis.

Maintaining a healthy balanced diet can also help prevent cirrhosis.

Limit the amount of toxins in the immediate environment, so things like smoking, alcohol or anything that disagrees with the liver should be removed from you being able to consume them.



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